John Miller, 75, was shot and killed by Christopher Miller, 43, following an argument at their Bruno Lane home, Det. Lt.
Urban wildlife is spotlighted in this year’s award, with a streetwise fox, a roadside swan and scavenging pigeons among the ...
The National Park Service said the hunt in the Jockey Hollow area was needed to protect the woodlands from hungry deer. It ...
WASHTENAW COUNTY, Mich. — Washtenaw County has reported its first case of chronic wasting disease in a wild deer, according ...
Musk’s tweet kicked off a flurry of responses on the social media site, with many users using the #SaveBaby hashtag and ...
The Hinkley buck, tagged in Maine in 1955, was possibly the biggest whitetail ever killed at the time, and certainly in Maine ...
It is an ongoing initiative of the Illinois Farm Bureau following reports of escalating crop damage from farmers and IFB ...
GREEN LAKE COUNTY, Wis. -- Drones helped a Wisconsin Sheriff's Office rescue three deer trapped in an icy lake. It happened ...
One of the motorcyclists hit a deer, while the second rider lost control while attempting to avoid the animal.
The East Deer Zoning Hearing Board said it expects to make a final decision on the legality of four proposed electronic ...
A suspicious substance was found in the disciplinary segregation unit at Deer Ridge Correctional Institution east of Madras, ...
Edmond Fire Dept. says that a grass fire broke out in Deer Creek on Wednesday. Authorities say the fire was near North May ...