DEAR STILL GRIEVING: I’m so sorry for the loss of your wife and the health struggles you’re negotiating. I want to assure you ...
Ricky Davis and Eric Montross were born, and the team lost Game 4 of the Disney bubble East Finals vs. the Miami Heat.
He recently had a medical emergency and had to let the ex-wife know he’d be late in picking up the daughter (they have shared ...
This friend's husband has a child with his ex. Her rules say he can ONLY text information that pertain to the daughter.
DEAR MESSAGE: It seems only natural that someone, even an ex, would have follow-up questions and concerns about a person’s ...
In today's Asking Eric column, R. Eric Thomas responds to someone who is grieving the death of their wife and their own cancer diagnosis.
Dear Still Grieving: I’m so sorry for the loss of your wife and the health struggles you’re negotiating. I want to assure you ...
Dear Message: It seems only natural that someone, even an ex, would have follow-up questions and concerns about a person’s trip to urgent care. And it makes sense that your boyfriend’s brother would ...
She is sensitive about her husband’s relationship with his ex-wife and told him that he should only communicate with the ex-wife about their daughter.
Dear Still Grieving: I’m so sorry for the loss of your wife and the health struggles you’re negotiating. I want to assure you that, for the sake of others’ comfort, you don’t need to feel or express ...
Dear Still Grieving: I’m so sorry for the loss of your wife and the health struggles you’re negotiating. I want to assure you that, for the sake of others’ comfort, you don’t need to feel or express ...
I have blocked the worst offenders and even someone who lashed out saying I should be grateful I was able to get married.