In the first decades of the twentieth century, the loose group that came later to be labelled 'The Georgians' all knew each other: poets, painters, editors, critics (there seemed enviably little ...
Edward W Said, a scholar born in Palestine and educated in Egypt, is presently Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. He is the author of several books on contemporary ...
It is one of the outstanding mysteries of the Algerian War of Independence, fought and lost by the French against Algerian Nationalists between 1954 and 1962, that the conflict produced no literature ...
Women’s Hour - Dream Count by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie ...
Are the Baltic Sea states, as former Estonian president Lennart Meri once put it, the factory of Europe’s future? Oliver ...
War of Words - What is Free Speech? The History of a Dangerous Idea by Fara Dabhoiwala ...
There was the sheer hatred felt by many Americans for an enemy they regarded as less than human – people have occasionally ...
From Russia with Lucre - Gilbert & George and the Communists by James Birch ...
Historians call it the Bauernkrieg or German Peasants’ War, but to people at the time it was simply the Aufruhr (‘the turmoil’). Through the second half of 1524 and into the summer of 1525, rebellion ...
Among the bombings that marked the beginning of 2017, one took place on New Year’s Day at the CasaPound bookshop in Florence, an outpost of the Italian neo-fascist or ‘alt-right’ CasaPound movement, ...
Why did the sheltered daughter of a Church of England minister, brought up to be deeply suspicious of Catholics, take the drastic step of walking into a Brussels church, finding a confessional and ...
According to a little note printed at the back of The Widow and the Parrot, Quentin Bell and his brother commissioned the piece from their Aunt Virginia for publication in the family newspaper the two ...