The volunteer service-themed cultural signs for the 15th National Games, the 12th National Games for Persons with ...
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government expresses strong disapproval of the imposition by the US of a further ...
美國宣布對香港產品再加徵一成關稅,即累計徵收兩成關稅,特區政府表示強烈不滿。 特區政府強烈反對任何漠視國際貿易秩序的無理行為,並指出美國的做法嚴重違反世界貿易組織規則,破壞以規則為本的多邊貿易體制,損人不利己。
The Land Registry says it logged 4,307 sale and purchase agreements for all building units received for registration in ...
The monthly mean temperature for February was 17.3 degrees Celsius, close to the normal of 17.1 degrees, the Hong Kong ...
全月總雨量26.1毫米,較正常值38.9毫米少約33%。今年首兩個月累積雨量30.3毫米,是同期正常值72.1毫米的約42%。 上月28日錄得全月最高氣溫25.4度;上月8日錄得全月最低氣溫11.5度。
The Major Sports Events Committee announces that it has awarded “M” Mark status to the World Snooker Grand Prix 2025, due to ...
本月4日至9日舉行的世界格蘭披治桌球大獎賽2025獲頒授「M」品牌認可。 大型體育活動事務委員會主席吳守基表示,世界格蘭披治桌球大獎賽首次衝出英國,落戶香港,場地規模和獎金總額均創新高。
The value of total retail sales for January, provisionally estimated at $35.3 billion, was 3.2% less than in the same month a ...
政府統計處公布,1月零售業總銷貨價值的臨時估計為353億元,按年跌3.2%。扣除價格變動後,該月零售業總銷貨數量的臨時估計按年跌5.2%。 1月零售業總銷貨價值中,網上銷售佔6.9%。相關銷售價值臨時估計為24億元,按年升3.5%。