DEAR STILL GRIEVING: I’m so sorry for the loss of your wife and the health struggles you’re negotiating. I want to assure you ...
One of my best friends is a woman who is now married to my boyfriend’s brother. I introduced them, and they married last fall ...
In today's Asking Eric column, R. Eric Thomas responds to a 73-year-old widower with questions about how to spend their money ...
DEAR MESSAGE: It seems only natural that someone, even an ex, would have follow-up questions and concerns about a person’s ...
Dear Eric: I am a 73-year-old widower trying to move past the death of my beloved wife three years ago. I will receive a ...
This friend's husband has a child with his ex. Her rules say he can ONLY text information that pertain to the daughter.
A reader is getting worn down by her entire family’s need for emotional support; a college student is losing friends and ...
If you have a trusted friend or family member who can act as a social buffer for you, or even help you filter out unwanted ...
The mayor is losing support from a crucial cohort whose members say he is damaging the political prospects of other Black ...
Dear Eric: We have two nephews, 17 and 21, and felt it was time to teach them money management skills and saving for ...